


It’s true if you have members in the family who suffer from addiction you have to let your children know that even if they inherited the proclivity they are boss of their health. Want more info? Then visit:



Do visit

Whether you suffer from addiction or you are living with someone who suffers from addiction you will want to do these activites because they will make you feel better, really better. You can even do it together as addiction sufferer and as alcohol free partner.

A quick note about belonging to a religion. If that is a no, no for you do visit This group discusses how to be a better human being. Nothing is asked of you. It is an eye-opener. You may perhaps offer to lead someday a group discussion.


September is a celebration of recovery from addiction.
No matter what stage you may be – the trying stage – the first month of success – etc. do visit   The events are great. Some celebrate recovery residences, others talk about new help available to those suffering with addiction, others have social activities. You may want to organize some event in your town.

Go for it. Be good to yourself.



Go for it. Open the two web sites. They will make you feel better. 

You may need help in how to communicate with your family. Your addiction should not be an excuse for abusing you, putting you down or mistreating you. There needs to be a plan for both you who wants to stop drinking and for the ones scolding you. Here are two resources which may be of help to you.

Be good to yourself. You count. Check them out.


We all know that exercise stimulates our dopamine and thus makes us feel good. Forget drugs and drinking. If you are not keen on doing exercise try dancing. The music and the movements are uplifting. Where? Plenty of places. Try your local Y, place of worship or just google for the info  in your town. Can’t find any place then organize a group. Your local school or near by college might be willing to give a dance course. Are there any dance teachers in your town?  Go for it. Be good to yourself.


Even though today people recognize that we are all born differently there is still a fear of prejudice. Women especially have a fear of being mistreated, laughed at if they are not heterosexual. Are you gay, LGBT, bisexual, and also an alcoholic, depressed? There is compassion. You are not alone, Visit

Be good to yourself. Reach out to others.


SAMHSA Announces Art of Recovery Project, Highlighting Role of Artistic Creativity in Mental Health and Substance Use                                                                                                                   RecoveryToday, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is launching the 2024 Art of Recoveryproject. This initiative highlights the impact of art on mental health and substance use recovery, showcasing how creative expression can serve as a pathway to solace, healing, and empowerment. The project solicits submissions, including artwork and a brief description of the artist’s inspiration, from artists with lived or living recovery experience. “We invite people with lived experience to submit photographs, paintings, drawings, or mixed media artwork that is meaningful to them and their journey,” said Miriam E. Delphin-Rittmon, Ph.D., HHS Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use and the leader of SAMHSA. “While the process of creation has long been recognized as a therapeutic tool, it can also serve to inspire others. The Art of Recovery project works to raise the voices of people with lived experience and illustrate the possibilities in recovery, hope, and healing. ”Submissions are open May 7 to June 28, with categories for youth 13-17 and adults 18+. Artists may submit in two categories: painting, drawing or mixed media, and photography. 


Alcoholism is a disease and so is diabetes.  We all know that diabetes can be controlled and can be constantly tested.  We all know that to a certain degree diabetes can be controlled by diet.

Guess what! So can alcoholism.

IN THE ROOMS just delivered some news about

Yes, you maintain your privacy but you have someone to talk to. It measures the alcohol in your system. It works with you. It costs less than a dollar a day to subscribe. Even if you are only thinking about giving up drinking try it. You are the one who will be in control. You are the one who can experiment with giving up drinking. You are the one who will know how much alcohol is in your body when you drink. You are the one who can talk to someone when you need to.

Be good to yourself. Try it.

Navigating Assisted Living with Addiction: Finding Support and Solutions

No one escapes Father Time and those who are recovered alcoholics or still drinking need special understanding. 

Donna Murray of Community Outreach and Senior Advocat sent me the following information. 

In the realm of senior care, the intersection of assisted living and addiction poses unique challenges. As our loved ones age, issues such as substance abuse or dependency can become increasingly complex to address. A thoughtful approach is crucial in ensuring they receive the support they need while maintaining their dignity and autonomy.

The link below offers invaluable insights into this delicate balance. It explores the nuances of assisted living for seniors grappling with addiction, shedding light on available resources, treatment options, and strategies for families navigating this journey.

One key takeaway is the importance of specialized care tailored to the individual’s needs. Assisted living facilities equipped to handle addiction-related issues can provide a supportive environment where residents receive appropriate care and supervision. Additionally, family involvement and open communication play pivotal roles in promoting recovery and well-being.

By addressing addiction within the context of assisted living, we honor the dignity of our seniors and affirm their right to quality care. This article serves as a guiding light for families, offering hope and practical guidance in navigating this challenging terrain with compassion and understanding.


You are not alone. There is help out there. Go to Afraid to do this at home? Go to your public library. Today all the libraries have computers. Make contact. Be good to yourself. Help yourself. Do it.

Feeling Depressed? Think That’s Why You Drink?

Depression has many faces.  Dr. Michael D. Yapko, a clinical psychologist, has so some super points to make about depression. He as well talks about alcohol. You’ll want to hear this.  My friends who listened to his words thanked me for alerting them to his insights. He has a completely new approach.  

Trying to Stop Drinking?

A lot of people are. Just hang in there. Do visit

How to Resist Peer Pressure While Staying Sober – ITR In an ideal world, your family and friends should be overwhelmingly supportive when you commit to sobriety. Your closest relations can serve as an important reminder of why you want to get sober and can help you identify the signs of relapse earlier than you might notice them yourself.  However, perhaps you’ve experienced some

These people really know what they are talking about. Go for it.

We all know it is the holiday time again which means it is time to think of what you can do to stay healthy. Visit this website for good advice.

Your Sober Holiday Survival Guide – ITRThe holidays can be stressful, especially for those of us in recovery. Whether that is recovery from substance use, food addiction, co-dependent relationships, or pretty much anything at all (I believe that we are all in recovery from something), the holidays can put a stress on our recovery journeys. Even good stress can be challenging.

Let’s think of the three most important issues.

  1. Don’t go where you will feel uncomfortable, where the smell of liquor might be too strong, where the “come on have a drink” is the rule. Don’t be afraid to tell your family why you don’t want to go.
  2. Avoid stress. How? Have an hour which your family know is “your time.” Phone friends. Visit fellow alcoholics on line. Go to an AA session on line.
  3. Make a list of what gives you joy. Joining carolers. Going for a long walk. Spending an hour in a coffee shop. Shopping for gifts. Your family probably likes some of these activities. Or they might have a suggestion which never occurred to you. 


I talk a lot about denial because once denial of addiction has been conquered healing can take place. Denial is the biggest reason people do not give up addiction. Denial was first connoted by the man often called the father of psychiatry, Sigmund Freud. I actually looked up denial on Wikipedia which defines denial (also called abnegation) <as> “a defense mechanism in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence.”  

What I really found interesting is that Wikipidia defines 3 types of denial: 

If you suffer because of denial join a group such as Alcoholics Anonymous. No one will ask you if you have given up drinking. They will listen to you. You can talk about your denial. 

On the other hand if you know someone who is in denial about his/her drinking don’t keep lecturing that person. The best way to break through the denial is to have an intervention. Seek out a professional who works with people suffering from addiction. Go to National Institute on Alcohol Disorders and Health or visit:


Trying to give up drinking?  Or, have given it up but feel unhappy, depressed? You are not alone. According to National Alliance on Mental Health 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness each year. Be smart. Find help.  

Visit   and remember for immediate mental health help needs dial 988 



Most Parents at one time or another are worried. Alcoholics often worry did my youngster inherit my propensity. How do you broach the subject without being accusatory or arguing? You may want to visit the enclosed video – go for it.


Chinook Horses, located in Billings, Montana, which offers a type of forget the couch and think horses therapy, presented in its recent newsletter  the following story:  

When Echo was looking for a therapy program to treat her substance use disorder, she knew that she did not want to do a traditional talk therapy program as was expected of her.  Echo had known about equine therapy since she was twelve, but it was not until she was pregnant and motivated to stay clean from drugs that she inquired about Chinook Horses’ services. “I wanted to do therapy on my own terms,” Echo says. “It’s easier to be around animals and talk to them and connect with them than it is with humans.” Echo responded positively to individual therapy sessions with Chinook Horses, staying clean from drugs entirely in the two years since her daughter was born.  Even though Echo still has triggers, it is through the skills that she has learned at Chinook that she remains clean, especially for the sake of her daughter. “She changed my whole life. She made me want to be better, not just for the courts but for myself.” The most important thing that Echo says she has learned from Chinook is instilling a genuine sense of confidence in herself, rather than the “false” confidence  or facade that she was used to putting on. Of her long term goals with Chinook, Echo wants to learn how to be more assertive and establish more healthy boundaries.  Echo owes her success to her horse, Mavis, whom she has also named Midnight. Echo also wants to thank the therapists at Chinook Horses for her success, calling her facilitators “understanding and nice” because they allowed her to form her own connection with the horse, rather than intervening and dictating how the connection should be managed. “They work with you well… They let you do most of the work with the horses… I thought that was pretty cool”  

An inspiring story! But you know what – horse therapy deals with all therapy needs – shyness, depression, lack of concentration at school or at work. Some of you looking for a career in the field of therapy may find horse therapy something to look into. 

For more details visit: 





Still drinking? There is help available.   The New York Times published the following article. You may be interested in the first three paragraphs.

Binge Drinking May Be Curbed With a Pill

By Ted Alcorn

A recent study suggested the use of a decades-old medicine taken before imbibing could reduce the amount of alcohol consumed.

Ever wake up regretting the last round of drinks from the previous night? There’s a medicine that might help.

A recent study adds to the evidence that people who binge-drink may benefit from taking a dose of the medication naltrexone before consuming alcohol, —


Naltrexone which quenches the cravings in alcoholics is a prescription drug.

Do discuss it with your physician and at the same time go to Alcoholics Anonymous and/or Women For Sobriety. You may find steps taken in these help associations easier to manage if you have reduced or stopped your drinking.

Be good to yourself. Take action.


  1. Promise yourself that you won’t get stressed. Have a plan to have an hour to yourself everyday even if it means putting children in front of the TV for an hour.
  2. Before you go to bed at night take a notebook and make a list of all the things that stress you and of all that things that were good that day.
  3. If you have not given up drinking you may want to contact the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry. If there are no members in town ask if any treat on line. And feel free to discuss finances.  Doctors have a lot of compassion.

Happy new year. Take good care of yourself


  Are you in school? Be it in high school or in higher education this association is for you. Read it through. Be sure to look at the last section seriously geared to women and girls.  ARHE Membership offers more opportunities for involvement in the greater recovery field!
For more information, please visit our website: feel free to comment, call, or email if you have any questions!  
Phone: (540) 315-0205 | Email:
ARHE Membership Offers Exclusive Scholarship Opportunities for Students!
Students in Recovery Scholarship: The Nickolas-Truszkowska Scholarship is for students, current or new to college, who are recovering from addiction. Applications are due by March 1st. Click here for more information or contact Kathryn Martinez at  


New Reports and Grant Program Address Health Needs of Pregnant Women and Children Affected by Substance Use

A new series of reports from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on substance-exposed pregnancies highlights how pregnant and postpartum women who use substances and their children can benefit from evidence-based prevention and treatment strategies. The reports are being released as SAMHSA begins accepting applications for the Services Grant Program for Residential Treatment for Pregnant and Postpartum Women. This $10 million grant program will provide pregnant and postpartum women and their children with comprehensive substance use treatment and recovery support services across residential and outpatient settings. In addition, for the first time this year, the program will extend services to fathers, partners, and other family members. The application due date for the grant program is April 4, 2022. Read the new reports below:

ICANN check for domain listing

Celebrity Hosted Empowered Women Series.
Please visit our website where you can listen to all our wonderful past shows at…
You can reach me at 631 850 4039…thanks!


With all the news about the supreme court’s decision to overturn Roe versus Wade, no matter what your stand is on abortion, those women who are alcoholics have special needs. My book, The Drinking Woman Revisited, has a whole chapter devoted to alcoholism and pregnancy.  If you are a member of a library you, as a member, have the  right to ask them to get a copy for you.  Otherwise you can as well buy it on line. 

What is important to know is that when you drink alcohol while pregnant it passes on to the fetus in the same concentration as nourishment is passed on to the fetus, and the drinking mother is placing her baby as much in danger of a withdrawal syndrome as she is. Obstetricians and gynecologists as well as primary physicians are all trained to help alcoholics. There are medicines that help you curtail drinking. If you don’t get the compassion and medical advice you need change doctors.  If you are having a hard time stopping to drink take one step at a time, one day at time. Go to ​Alcoholics Anonymous​ meetings and get a sponsor who will understand your situation and be there for you.

It is not unusual for an alcoholic to get pregnant after having been to a party where she can’t remember what happened because she had so much to drink.  It is important that you, if this is your story, not feel isolated. Another place to  call is Women For Sobriety​ (215) 536-8026 or email to They will provide you help. Anonymity is always respected.

Abortion is a private and very personal decision. You may want to discuss this with your priest, minister, rabbi or a family member before you decide how to handle your predicament.

Many women are managing abortion today with pills. Be aware what is involved, what to expect, and if there could be any serious side effects. Here are some online networks which will help you decide what might work for you. If you do decide to order a pill or pills on line find out how long delivery takes. You don’t want medicines to arrive at a time when you are too advanced in your pregnancy.

MYA NETWORK puts you in touch with physicians who answer questions about self-managed abortions.

ABORTION PILL INFO has advice how to keep your online research private.

AID ACCESS  screens women on line and orders abortion pills from overseas.

PLAN C  an organization that has a list available of pharmacies which sell the various abortion pills.


Whether you are a Mom, Grandma, Aunt, Sister you may want to know —-

We have all been trying to understand the latest school shootings. You may feel awful, confused about how to talk to the school children in your family. You yourself may need help. Just log in to:

You can also copy/paste the link on to google. Do it you are not alone.



On July 16, 2022, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) will transition to an easy-to-remember, 3-digit number (988). This represents an unprecedented opportunity to strengthen and expand the existing network of over 200 locally operated and funded crisis centers across the country.

In advance of the 988 transition in July, the Lifeline Suicide & Crisis Network is looking to bring on new volunteers and paid employees to answer calls, chats, and texts from people in crisis. All employees and volunteers receive training, so if you are a caring person who wants to help those in crisis, apply today.

Find YOUR opportunity:

Read more about 988 at


Pregnant? Just had a baby? Read this:

Partnership To End Addiction just came out with this message:

Mental health conditions are among the most common medical complications during pregnancy, and suicide and overdose are among the leading causes of death for postpartum individuals. However, pregnant and postpartum individuals often do not receive needed treatment.

This has negative long-term consequences not only for the parent, but also for their child and families. Research has found that parental mental health and substance use disorders increase children’s risk for early symptoms of behavioral problems and subsequent substance use.

Amid the growing overdose and youth mental health crises, addressing parental mental health and substance use is more critical than ever.

Tell your members of Congress to support the Into the Light for Maternal Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Act (S. 3824/H.R. 7073), which would reauthorize and expand an existing screening and treatment program for maternal mental health conditions and substance use disorders and provide continued funding for the Maternal Mental Health Hotline, a 24/7 program operated by health care professionals trained to help pregnant or postpartum individuals and family members affected by maternal mental health and substance use disorders.



Listen you are not alone. You can do it. You have been thinking about going maybe to Alcoholics Anonymous or Women For Sobriety. Perhaps the “meeting” thing, the “group” thing at the moment is not for you. Here is something you can try:

Partnership to End Addiction  711 Third Avenue, 5th Floor, Suite 500 New York, NY 10017

You can get in touch by phone anonymously and talk to one person. click on the contact and arrange a phone call – just you, anonymously, and a compassionate person. Get Support Now The help is free, confidential and safe.  



Whether you are a recovered alcoholic, recently have stopped drinking or are trying to stop you may find something in common with these movies. A story often explains a problem, a disease in a compassionate and informative way.

Let’s start with humor, 28 Days, will make you laugh. Certainly, addiction is not funny, but there are moments in the story that point out some humorous incidence. This movie tells the story of a woman who received a 28 day court order to go into a treatment center. Watch it. You’ll recognize and have compassion for many of the incidences.

When Love Is Not Enough Based on the true story of the troubled marriage between Lois Wilson, co-founder of Al-Anon, and her alcoholic husband Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. Once Bill was sober he devoted himself to helping other alcoholics. Lois felt neglected and when she learned that other wives living with recovered alcoholics felt the same way she started Al-anon. Today we have Al-Anon also for husbands who live with that problem. And lets not forget Ala-teen.

Here is an oldie, but still relevant today, Wine And Roses, a story of a young happily married couple where their social and lets have fun drinking eventually trespasses into alcoholism.

Many of these movies are free on YouTube.