Important info

New Reports and Grant Program Address Health Needs of Pregnant Women and Children Affected by Substance Use

A new series of reports from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on substance-exposed pregnancies highlights how pregnant and postpartum women who use substances and their children can benefit from evidence-based prevention and treatment strategies. The reports are being released as SAMHSA begins accepting applications for the Services Grant Program for Residential Treatment for Pregnant and Postpartum Women. This $10 million grant program will provide pregnant and postpartum women and their children with comprehensive substance use treatment and recovery support services across residential and outpatient settings. In addition, for the first time this year, the program will extend services to fathers, partners, and other family members. The application due date for the grant program is April 4, 2022. Need more info google SAMHSA or phone 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

(This is a copy of what SAMHSA just issued. If you are pregnant or nursing and are having issues with drinking reach out to SAMHSA. You are not the only one who has these problems. Give yourself a chance to go into remission. You want a healthy baby. Let the pediatrician know as well. The doctors today are trained to help with these situations. Go for it. Be good to yourself and your child)
