We all know it is the holiday time again which means it is time to think of what you can do to stay healthy. Visit this website for good advice.

Your Sober Holiday Survival Guide – ITRThe holidays can be stressful, especially for those of us in recovery. Whether that is recovery from substance use, food addiction, co-dependent relationships, or pretty much anything at all (I believe that we are all in recovery from something), the holidays can put a stress on our recovery journeys. Even good stress can be challenging. www.intherooms.com

Let’s think of the three most important issues.

  1. Don’t go where you will feel uncomfortable, where the smell of liquor might be too strong, where the “come on have a drink” is the rule. Don’t be afraid to tell your family why you don’t want to go.
  2. Avoid stress. How? Have an hour which your family know is “your time.” Phone friends. Visit fellow alcoholics on line. Go to an AA session on line.
  3. Make a list of what gives you joy. Joining carolers. Going for a long walk. Spending an hour in a coffee shop. Shopping for gifts. Your family probably likes some of these activities. Or they might have a suggestion which never occurred to you.                                                     **