Does religion help?

April 4, 2019

Yes, religion does help. It fills a void. You go to services with other people. There are support groups within religious groups. Religion helps you deal with tension, stress and anxiety. You won’t be the only one dealing with fears, with wanting answers. Those who believe feel someone is watching over them. They repeat, “God who art in heaven —-.” Believers often hand their anxieties over to God, let the deity handle all their stresses.

But suppose you don’t believe. Yes, there is Alcoholics Anonymous, Women for Sobriety and if you want something more, something independent of addiction groups look up Ethical Culture. They define themselves as “a humanist community dedicated to ethical relationships, social justice, and environmental stewardship since 1876.”  You may make suggestions as to what the group should discuss. Addiction? Greed? Anxiety?

Albert Einstein supported the idea of Ethical Culture. He had said, “Without ‘ethical culture’ there is no salvation for humanity.” The groups exist mostly in big cities. However, you may want to get in touch with an Ethical Culture group near you to find out how to organize your own association.