Yes, we all know it has been said many times. We heard it when we were children: healthy habits are important. What are healthy habits? Obviously cleanliness and diet. But more, exercise and mental health. Let’s zero in on exercise and mental health. If you are in the process of giving up drinking exercise and mental health decisions can be of great help. Exercise? OK, not all of us like to do it.  Pick something you like. Walking two miles a day is perfect. Even better walk with your friends. Have children? Walk with them. What to do on a rainy day? Invest in a second hand stationary bicycle. I know one woman who walks up and down her stairs ten times. Be determined to figure it out.

Mental health is a big one. If you can afford one on one counseling go for it. Be sure that you know your therapists qualifications. Pick someone who specializes in addiction. Check out where they trained. Can’t afford it? Have no insurance? Go to Alcoholics Anonymous. During the coffee break speak to your cohorts and ask them if they know of a therapy group. And, remember, thanks to the internet there is  In The Rooms which describes itself as “In The Rooms Addiction Social Network’s purpose is to help people with Drug Addiction, Alcoholism, Prescription Drug Addiction, Pain Killer Addiction and More.” And, privacy is guaranteed. Names are never asked.

Do it!