Is it a political question? For those of you who say it is, then be aware that Donald and Melania Trump have gotten their vaccinations.  Still worried about the vaccination? Talk to people who have taken the vaccination and you will hear that there are no side effects and more, much more – they are liberated. Liberated to walk around without a mask. Liberated to meet friends for dinner, to look for jobs. If you have a heart problem or some other issue that worries you talk to a doctor. But get that vaccine. The States which still have high virus rates  are those who have a population where many refuse to get vaccinated.  Remember we conquered Polio with vaccinations. We conquered smallpox with vaccination. Why not conquer the Coronavirus with vaccination? If you have been vaccinated and meet someone who refuses to get vaccinated listen to them and then point out the facts mentioned above. I have listened to people who refuse to get vaccinated. Some impress me as “wanting to be different,” “to stand out.”  The bottom line is if you want to stay healthy or to put it more bluntly stay alive, you need to get vaccinated. If you care about other people, do not want to spread the virus, you need to get vaccinated. We in the United States are fortunate that we can afford the vaccine. Many poor countries have not been able to purchase the vaccine for their population. Take care of yourself. Stay alive. Get vaccinated.